I did something today that I have not done all summer long I mowed the grass. Traditionally, starting one year after we moved here, I have done the majority of the mowing and Don did the trimming. However, this summer as you know, has been spent seeking the cool, quiet dark and avoiding sunlight.
It is, I think, rather ridiculous to enjoy something like mowing as much as I do. Nevertheless, there you have it, another dirty little secret out in the open. I can tell you nearly anything you want to know about my 21-hp John Deere L120 riding mower with the V-Twin engine (manufactured by Briggs and Stratton). He is a hunk, with his glossy green paint and bright shinny eyes… I mean headlights and oh my, what a seat he has! Perfectly padded and bright yellow! Please, do not get me started on his torque! Did you know that greater torque can lead to lower vibration? Are you tempted yet? Ah, the mower of my dreams! What can I say? I am a grain-fed Midwestern gal and I love the sound of a good engine.
There is no point in denying how much fun I have careening round the yard, dodging trees and flowerbeds, swings and the occasional rabbit or groundhog. Woo hoo, what a ride! I wear my floppy straw hat, secured firmly under my chin with an old scarf, a faded and much worn flannel shirt flaps madly behind while my gloved hands firmly grip the steering wheel and a grin wider than the Ohio River is painted on my face. I fancy myself to be an expert at the fine art of driving my fabulous machine and can readily imagine just how poor Mr. Toad felt when he encountered his first automobile. Beep, beep!
Silly, is it not? A woman of my age enjoying a riding mower is beyond the pale, really. However, it is a good example of how a reclusive life style can lead to eccentric thoughts. I can drive round my yard with a silly grin plastered on my face and no one but the rabbits and crows will ever see it. (I live in fear of one day forgetting to wipe that grin away when out in public.) Still, there are times when I would really like friends to tell me about their own idiosyncrasies. Well, they say everything has a price.
There is always hope.
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