The thought occurred to me earlier today; I really do have a couple of character quirks. Specifically, I was thinking about what a jealous person I am, and let me tell you it came as quite a shock, that realization. I have never considered my self to be the jealous type but I now see that I am. The revelation came because I was reviewing the important relationships in my life. Regrettably, I must admit that more than a few relationships ended by the way side because of my jealousy.
There is in me, a fierce lioness that will not sit back and watch the people I love be hurt or taken advantage of. Strangely, that area is where I have the most trouble; I will insinuate my self in any situation I believe jeopardizes those dear to me. Oddly enough, people do not appreciate the fact that I am trying to protect them. It is I think, this lioness that is so jealous and I believe jealousy translates into possessive behavior. That is where the real problem starts. These two things feed off each other and grow into a nasty green monster I cannot control.
At the moment I am just too fuzzy headed from Neurontin to be concise. I think I should wait until my head is less foggy to attempt my self-analysis.
There is always hope.
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