Friday, May 25, 2007

Avast Ye Pirates!

Oh, what fun it was to see "Pirates of The Caribbean At Worlds End". It was almost as much fun watching the kids (the vast majority of the audience was teenagers) as it was watching the movie. I will be the first to admit the movie will probably not go down in cinematic history as an example of early 21st century brilliance. It has weaknesses. I suppose the best recommendation I can give the movie is that we intend to go back and see it again next week. It was just fun. If you are of a serious nature and can't let a few unrealistic scenarios pass you by then do not go see it. If you would enjoy a few laughs and some spectacular battle scenes by all mean go have fun.

The greatest regret in my life is having no children. I could not. My husband didn't want any kids and I would not adopt a child unless he was a willing participant in the parenting. Well... I just wanted to say I really enjoyed watching those kids being kids.

I am more than a little upset at the moment. We had a piece of jewelery insured through our home owners inland marine coverage, and it was lost. We made a claim after searching everywhere we could think of. It has been more than three weeks since we made that claim and we had not heard a thing from our insurance company until we got a check in the mail today for less than half the insured amount. This item was not insured for depreciated value. Rant...rave...making angry noises. I won't drag this out any more. We didn't even get a courtesy call to explain what they were doing or why.

Now, for the really big news. Bad Luck And Trouble by Lee Child (in case you didn't know) finally arrived today! Oh my goodness! OH... MY...GOODNESS!!! So, I've got a little reading to do.


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