Monday, February 8, 2010

Frustrations of Winter

Cabin fever, that's what I have. The knowledge that hundreds of thousands if not millions of other people are suffering from the affliction does not relieve the distress. I am so tired of being cold, even in the house, and being restricted in where and when I can walk outside that I am near to pulling my hair out. If cabin fever were the biggest problem the world had to face, it would indeed be a wonderful world.

Putting the frustrations of cabin fever aside, this last 12" of snow was beautiful to look at. We are looking at a real marsh mallow world. On the realistic side, the roads when we went out yesterday were not quite as cleared as they should have been. This leads me to wonder what they will be like when we get the next 6-10" tomorrow.

If my frustrations were manifesting as energy I could be spending a very productive winter giving the house a good cleaning. Instead, I feel tired and sleepy most of the time. It is a huge chore to cook and do my walk every day; after that, I have just enough energy to shower and become a lump on the sofa. The house is a dusty mess and laundry is never done. I do vow it's enough to depress a person if one had the energy to be depressed.

As for today, the sun is shining, it is a balmy 22 F and I am thinking about walking outside. Of course, there is always the treadmill. It doesn't matter where I do it as long as I walk for 1 hour every day.

There is always hope.

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